Ningbo City Yinzhou Ruican Machinery Co.,Ltd ,
    ZYB gear pump routine maintenance
(l) Pump disassembly and cleaning, heating, cooling, starting and stopping should be strictly in accordance with the provisions of the operation, in order to avoid undue losses.
(2) Care should be taken to maintain the stability of the inlet pressure of the ZYB gear pump so that it has a stable volumetric efficiency in favor of the pump itself and the stability of the downstream spinning quality.
(3) ZYB gear pump inlet negative pressure of the packing shaft seal pump, packing should be kept at a pressure higher than the atmospheric pressure. When the back pressure is reduced, the pressure of the stuffing box should be adjusted in time, otherwise the pump will be sucked into the air and the belt will be broken. This will affect the pelletizing and lead to the discharge of the pelletizer.
(4) to check the temperature of the heat medium jacket, the main body and the front and back cover of the heat medium temperature to be consistent.
(5) Each time the yield increases, Po Taibang will record the output, speed, out, inlet pressure, current value at the time, and compare before and after the data, careful analysis, in order to find the anomaly as soon as possible and timely treatment.
    ZYB gear pump troubleshooting and explain the reasonable maintenance methods